Logo CMD

Simple CLI based homepage. No hero image. No filler.

🚀 Grab Your CMD Site Now!


Join 69,420* devs crushing it online! 💪

*not actually 69,420... closer to 1

Pick your poison, brogrammer

Whether you're a lone wolf coder or running a pack of keyboard warriors, we've got a plan for your CMD website.


$0 /month

For your ramen budget.

  • Public site
  • Just text
  • No images
  • No analytics
  • No blog
  • No drafts or scheduling
Get started today


$49 /year
Launch special: 100% off (Free till get around to hooking up Stripe)

The same as Hobby, but with a few more bells and whistles.

  • Custom domain
  • Optional platform branding
  • Some other stuff when I build it
  • Fancy stuff
  • You get the point
Only for PROgrammers